iRestaurant | iOS Universal Restaurant App Template (Swift)

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  • July 30, 2023

Portfolio Description

iRestaurant is a Universal App Template where you can show info about your Restaurant and send Push Notifications to all registered devices without having to update the app on the App Store, after applying a few configurations in the code (the User Guide explains what to do) you’ll be able to edit Menu, Gallery, Restaurant name and description, Events and so on via your own Parse Dashboard on or via the Adminca CMS panel for Parse apps (it’s all free).

Its backend is by Parse SDK, any way you only have to own a domain/hosting to upload a simple PHP file to receive reservation emails. You may also use a free hosting service like, it’s free and reliable.

iRestaurant is a native Xcode project, Swift language, Storyboard, Universal, super easy to customize, backend with Parse SDK hosted on